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Language Arts: Rebellion and Revolution


Social Movement Research Project



Select a social movement from the options provided. Conduct some research to answer the questions below. Organize this information in a creative movie for the class to view.

1.What were the root causes of this movement?

2.Who were some principal figures in this movement?

3.What was the goal of the movement? Did it achieve its goal?

4.What were the results of the movement? What lasting effects did it leave on society?

5.Compare this movement to a more modern one. Summarize the modern movement as well and explain how the two relate. 



  1. You will need a minimum of three separate sources.
  2. You will probably want to map out your movie before filming. Look at examples. Design a script and a storyboard. Gather images or footage you will include in your movie.
  3. The movie you create should have an introduction and conclusion. It should not just start or stop. There should be no “that’s it” moment.
  4. The movie will answer all of the above questions. 
  5. You will combine all this information into a 3-7-minute movie. This movie can be directly informational or create a fictional plot to share the information in a more creative and subtle way. It will include a works consulted page as part of your credits.
  6. You will use NoodleTools to organize information and have a minimum of fifteen notecards.



Social Movements:

  • Child Labor Reform
  • Health and Sanitation
  • Women’s Suffrage
  • Education
  • Unions

History Resources

Use vol. 14-16 for Industrial Revolution

Literature Resources